Yet another 'Just around the corner' cancer announcements......
'The devastating changes that turn healthy tissue into cancer
are to be investigated in the biggest centre of its kind in the NHS.
The laboratories at the Institute of Cancer Research (ICR)
will use information in tumour DNA to help find the best "personalised"
Its director said this was not science fiction and would be
day-to-day practice in the NHS within a decade.
The centre will also investigate how cancers become
resistant to drugs.
The field of cancer research is moving rapidly away from
defining a cancer by where it is in the body - one type of breast cancer can
have more in common with an ovarian cancer than another cancer in the breast.'
So reports the BBC.
The report went on to say...
One great challenge with cancer treatment is resistance. Promising drugs suddenly fail after a few months'
Well this is all very fine and noble but how many times and ways are there to keep looking at the tumour. This is like looking at a broken leg and trying to understand why the bone broke and how the bone developed and may develop as it heals, but still the bones keep breaking because no one fixed the environmental cause - a broken path or removed the obstacle on the stairs that everyone trips over - pick any analogy you like.
Google the 'Town of Allopath' and the shortest little animation explains the big problem.
Now of course we all want that breakthrough in cancer 'cure' and of course the drug companies I'm sure can't wait to come up with another batch or drugs that the medical profession agree in this statement, have limited ability to work over time. So more and more drugs are not the answer when you are purely focusing on the tumour, no matter how specialised they seem.
The tumour is the bodies way of encapsulating the problem. What we need to do is to focus on the environment that the tumour has grown in.
No good keep looking at the plant to see why it died and never checking the soil.
We have to really stack the odds in our favour if we want good health, nothing is guaranteed, but the better the odds we give ourselves the healthier lives we lead for longer.
It is well known that cancer cells live better in bodies with less oxygen. They like acid bodies, and as most people walk around with very acidic systems, we are giving the cancer cells one of their most favourite conditions.
We can change that with an alkaline diet. Most of the western world has a very acid rich diet.
Cancer cells love sugar....there is a treatment for cancer which utilises this knowledge and starves the body, then injects glucose and a small dose of chemo - the cancer cells want that glucose, and suck it up quicker than healthy cells, taking the chemo to the cells also.
That is a clever way to treat it, less damage to healthy cells, but the point is we know then cancer cells love sugar and need it to thrive - cut its food source off then and don't forget the hidden sugars.
Again we have very sugar laden diets in the west.
Cancer cells die at 41 degrees C, so lets use the heat treatments that are out there.
Vitamin C - an incredibly toxic substance to cancer cells. So why are we not looking more closely at the injection of Vit C into the blood or into the tumour. These ideas are out there and being used, but not widespread.
Instead its the same old route and the numbers continue to grow.
We can look all we like at how tumours develop, but if we change the environment then we make it harder for them to grow and sustain.
If cancer has developed, something has gone wrong, what ever you have done to that point needs to change.
The long term answer to health is not a pill.
Cancer cells don't develop due to lack of pills. The human body has not evolved with the knowledge that drugs will be needed.
We have tried drugs, investigating DNA coding/genetics , more drugs etc etc, but we haven't tried nutrition and environmental medicine.
Now why is that?
Are we all lazy and can't be bothered to make lifestyle changes?
Have we come to rely on the fact we can seemingly do as we please and a doctor will fix it?- well that doesn't happen, unless you want the same problem returning time and time again.
May be the answer to avoiding cancer and fixing it should it occur - doesn't need a great big centre at what cost, or more researchers or doctors or drug companies - may be each of us as individuals can do all of that for ourselves.
Your body is that 'centre' you are your own researcher, every time you shop, you can choose ingredients that will help you or you can choose those that won't and none of us need a medical degree to make that choice.
The internet is full of info - explore them yourself, look at the studies , lots of them.
After all, Dr's google things all the time, or they work on what drug companies tell them.
It's your health. Cancer is not a disease that pops up over night and needs the A & E team, its a long term condition that has grown up over time, so start to get it into reverse and don't make it easy for it to develop.
Check in with your emotional body. Many cancers develop after emotional trauma - it's not easy living life, so do the things that make you happy, keep the thoughts positive. Exercise and relax. It can help hugely.