With January nearly gone and hopefully all tax returns done and out of mind, the last of the wintry months lies ahead. It comes in with the Chinese Year of the Horse, the wood horse to be exact and that can be a tricky one.
May be not quite through the storm yet...It can be a year of sticking to principles, but that can mean conflict and difficulty in negotiations. It brings energy but fuels the flames. A good year for farming, education (good or bad for Michael Gove??) and the media it seems.
But we may get a few more volcanic eruptions and probably not all from volcanoes. So if you like a fast victory or an unexpected adventure, this could be the year for you. What ever else, it usually brings a year of extremes and not a year for secrecy - great for all those 'whistleblowers' So a good deal of cooking on Saturday for guests here, to bring in the new year with abundance. I have to say i prefer the Chinese one, the food is more important and as you know - I'm a foodie.
Daisy the beagle/lab cross that sits here next to me, is looking forward to some lighter evenings....she'll be back to her 3 walks a day then.....at the moment carrying a little xmas weight i think.
I had the pleasure of going along to the College of Natural Medicine on Monday to hear Dr Jayne Donegan talk about vaccinations. So much pro and against gets written about this but this speaker had gone back to 'source' for her evidence. She had trawled the dusty ledgers that contained the facts of the history of illness both prior and post vaccines and not just taken the word of others. Partly as she had been asked to take on the case of a parent who didn't want their child vaccinated opposing the view of the other parent, that did.....such a hot potato,but she took it on and it cost her a lot of bad press and no support from the over bearing GMC.
In her talk, she took us through her own experience of going from a pro vaccine GP to one that could find no evidence that matched the claims of the drug companies or government speak and in fact, evidence to the contrary.
Unless parents have access to the facts, how can any parent make an informed choice.
When you look at the decline rates of illnesses, they were massively on the decline when vaccines were introduced, due to better living standards and improved environmental conditions. There are many factors that come into play.
A quote i like from Tedd Koren, a chiropractor in the US, and very anti vaccine - he says 'the figures can't lie, but a liar can figure' which probably accounts for a lot of skewed data then, when money and health meet and not just health!
It was a packed room and I don't think anyone could have left with any doubt, just what her view was or the struggle that she has faced with the powerful GMC in holding that view.
Very often when you talk with parents on vaccines, they come to the same point of being worried about not giving it just in case...but when you listen to the evidence - the concern must surely be in the having of them.
The 'herd immunity' theory is always the one rolled out by medical practitioners, but Dr Donegan took great delight in reiterating the irony of this, in that it requires the non vaccinated to have the vaccines to protect the vaccinated where the vaccine hasn't worked.
Well i wouldn't want to be selfish, but not quite prepared to take a shot of formaldehyde, aluminium, animal cells,human cells (that are not my own), msg, etc etc just in case the vaccine hasn't worked in another. If that is anyone, please accept my apologies, but I'm not doing it :)))
Still it would seem that the concern over autism from the MMR could be a thing of the past, if the autism vaccine is successful......
Very hard to ascertain causation for many events in health, the variables are vast, despite the 'gold standard, double blind trials' but odd that the rise in cases of autism and ADHD correspond with the increase in the vaccine schedule - a vaccine for the vaccine then.....excellently ironic!
With the UK vaccine schedule currently at 28 before the age of 3.5yrs, and many given as 5:1 and 3:1, it is shuddering what we are setting our children up for.
If these were not administered as multiple vaccines, a parent would be taking a child to the nurse for a vaccine every 6 weeks.....that might become more questionable.
Last Friday was an eye opener to say the least. A couple contacted our website for some advice as one of them had been refused a scan here because they had first initiated treatment for a cancer in Germany 7 years ago. The couple lived here,paid there NHS contributions here for many many years of working life, but when a different cancer came back and a scan here was all that was required, it had been met with a 'no' The treatment will be paid for again from their own pocket, in Germany, as they far outclass us in treatment of people with cancer it seems, with innovative approaches, much like Lord Saatchi had called for here. But to save the couple the trouble of going just for a scan they were asked to get it done here....Having made some enquiries, it seems a GP or consultant has no duty of care to treat anyone....Whose money pays their wages????
Nice to see we have good cooperation with the medics across Europe....The EU it seems is designed for efficiency in business across its members but not with the medical services from here. Wouldn't it be great to see cooperation on health across the EU, we might all have better access to more innovative treatments for cancer than we have here in the UK.
So not great news to pass back to them and one can only hope they eventually find a compassionate consultant with a sense of reason.
Patrick Kingsley, renowned doctor and contributor to the magazine 'What Doctors Don't Tell You' will be our speaker in April.
Currently we have him booked to speak on Tuesday 8th April - details to follow, but pop it in your diary, or in those scary i-phone diary things that people have.
A man of immense knowledge and if anyone saw the edition on cancer of WDDTY, you will see how fantastic he was at treating the Editor of the magazine, Lynne McTaggart's mother in law when she was told she had an breast cancer that was past treatment and to go away and put her affairs in order...well luckily they took her to see Patrick and results were so amazing.....her ordering of her affairs could wait.
The link above is worth a little viewing - skip along to about 1hr,23mins and watch just what happened in real time to the 3" cancer tumour in the bladder as 3 people chanted over it in a 'medicine less' hospital in China....It will take just 2mins 40secs of your time. Quantum healing in action!
Here's to a good February
Complementary Health Institute