Hi Everyone
Hope you are all enjoying the summer. The weather is certainly erratic and having checked it on the BBC weather site for last Wednesday - on the North Norfolk coast, It declared it to be a bright sunny day......oh if only....indeed it started as a clear blue sky as we left Cley and began our walk along the Blakeney Spit, but within 20mins we were walking into a gale and torrential rain,undeterred, we persisted through and within 10mins the sky had cleared and bright sunshine returned, only for it to do it all over again.
2 drenchings later we were back in beautiful sunshine, fully dried off and more than rewarded with the sight of seals on the beach and bopping along in the sea,following those of us that were mad enough to walk through the rain......us and 2 others.
I though I would share with you a recent radio 4 programme - Inside Health. Ever wondered about the conflict of interest your doctor faces as he/she reaches for the prescription pad, then this programme and the following 2 might be of interest to you.
I'm always surprised that in this day and age how many people hand their health totally over to the doctor and do exactly as they are told,rather than take it as an opinion. When you sit in the consultancy room and watch a doctor google your symptoms it starts to get a bit worrying.
worth a listen if you haven't heard it.
Here is the link......
Inside Health Radio 4 Dr Mark Porter Conflicted Medicine: Pharmaceuticals
There is a very interesting event coming up in London hosted by Resurgence
Resurgence Festival of Wellbeing
The shift from economic growth to growth in wellbeing
Sat 11 Oct 2014 • 10:00-18:00
At the
Bishopsgate Institute, 230 Bishopsgate, London EC2M 4QH
Some great speakers including Satish Kumar, ecologist and editor of Resurgence magazine. Vandana Shiva, Environment and health activist and Dr Rupert Sheldrake, Biologist and Author, to name a few. For a full list here is the link......
The cost of the day is just £45 and given the quality of the speakers, that is a bargain!
My ticket is booked for this one and perhaps see you there. All good CPD points.
We are also looking ahead to workshops and events in the coming year.
We are very keen to invite back Patricia Peat from Cancer Options. As those of you that attended her last talk know, her depth of knowledge on the subject of cancer and the current thinking and successful treatment methods is second to none.
We are hoping to fix a date during this coming Autumn so we'll keep you posted.
There is a new Arnica group that is developing in Cambridge. Arnica helps support parents who are against the current stance on vaccination and often in need of support in their decision to go against the system and who need information on how to manage child hood illnesses.
We will let you know of meeting times and dates for this group and helping to spread the word on it would be good. It is all about choice and knowledge. Knowledge hopefully makes for informed choice and Arnica is there is help with that.
Don't forget to keep an eye on the local FHT website, Abington Barns website and Inspire Online, Great talks and events coming along under those umbrellas also.
This just popped into my email
A link for an e-book on GMO free shopping in the UK. It has taken the guys at the Therapy Team a while to compile this and could well be worth the small fee of £3.06 (if you have a kindle) and are keen not to support the GM industry.
Enjoy the rest of a good summer.
Sarah and on behalf of Maddy