Saturday, 23 May 2015

Monsanto 2015 - Did it make the BBC news?

People in 452 cities across the world today, marched and demonstrated against the giant corporation - Monsanto. The third year this global event has taken place and people around the world are encouraging us all to wake up and make sure we all say no to Monsanto and their GM crops.
In a small country such as Britain, a GM crop here would soon contaminate may crops around it and very soon we could see no GM free land here.

There is no credible argument for GM crops...we certainly do not need a GM wheat crop here or GM potatoes or any other GM for that matter.

This is going to solve food shortage apparently...why then if we have food shortage, is a supermarkert in the North of the UK using its waste food to turn into a biofuel to power the supermarket and a few thousand of the surrounding homes...we are wasting food and using it to make fuel...Does that indicate a food shortage?  We have a food distribution problem not a shortage. We waste in the region of 25% of food.

If food is in such short supply, why do we suddenly have crop growing fields turned into solar farms, with solar panels stretching across vast stretches of land in our high agriculture area where I live. Why are we seeing wind farms on arable land? And why are we producing fields of Rape seed? can not live by rape seed alone...or woman for that matter! And actually we managed to live without rapeseed almost hidden into every pre packed food. - Avoiding that is another story!
But if we are told the GMO is the answer to our food shortage, then I think that doesn't stack up.
If this is yet another greedy corporate giant that has found a way to patten 'nature' (in its twisted form) then be honest about it.  The tell the public that you want food control and at any cost and you don't care who you screw over in the process.

If food is in such short supply, should we really see so many fast food outlets on every high street in the land. We have food coming at us from every direction. During the war, food was in short supply and yet people were at there healthiest. There wasn't the abundance of beef and chicken to be turned into some quick snack/poor nutrition food..So what is the real reason we are heading for GM food?

Funny how nature never needed a lab to provide all she has provided and never needed a lab to design life giving

What can't be good is to let patented seeds, genetically modified, be swept across our lands.

What is really odd about today's events and of the past 2 years, is that this global event gets a media blackout....If I search the BBC news site - it takes me to an article from the first march in 2013...nothing since.

Thanks to the TV station, Russia Today - news of all the marches around the world got reported

Shame on the BBC - The Worlds BBC?

Well done to all that attended these events around the globe - and thank you!

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

London's March Against Monsanto May 2015

This years Annual March Against Monsanto will take place on 23rd May 2015. 

The Event promises to be packed with entertainment and speakers.....updates coming soon.
March Against Monsanto is a call to action (static event).


Join over 3.5 Million People in over 600 cities worldwide!

23 MAY 2015 12PM

Richmond Terrace. London SW1A 21L


Liz O'Neill, GM Freeze,
Pete Dean, Biofuelwatch
Lawrence Woodward, Beyond GM
Elizabeth Bragg speaking about Small Farmers and Community Food
Mizan The Poet

Other speakers to be confirmed. Programme may be subject to change.

For all those who dont know about March Against Monsanto, please read below. Taken from their website

May Updates

Hi Everyone

Such a beautiful May morning and the neighbours cat is sitting under the table waiting for birds to feed from the food I've just put on it for she either thinks they are all quite stupid or blind but i'm pretty sure breakfast isn't going to land in her paws quite so easily.

I should be walking the Daisy dog with a friend on a beach this morning but the north circular on Monday teatime is no friend to a persons L4, I think i will never complain about the traffic in our city again. When it takes 2hrs to travel a 20min journey and you still don't reach your destination, you can lose the will to people do that everyday is beyond me....So grateful to work from home i think.


Maddy and I did get to the Balens CPD event and I think we would both highly recommend it for the future...The calibre of the speakers was the the best I've seen at any of these type of events.It was purely Complementary Medicine based and David Balen certainly is leading the way in this field on many levels..some exciting developments to come and his final speaker was Rob Verkerk from the Alliance of Natural Health, another champion of CAM.
Given the cost of the event was a mere £25, it was certainly worth it to hear the array of Dr's and academics discussing the effectiveness and the measure of that in Comp health along with where it needs to be heading.

I have put a link to Balens site where you can view the videos of past speakers at these events and very soon the speakers from this event will be up on there too.

Tip of the Spear

One more event that is looming fast and again, if you have never been to hear this guy speak, it is quite a force.

Health journalist, Philip Day will be at Bury St Edmunds on Sunday June 7th or the day before in Norwich 

Details for this at...

He calls it his Tip of the Spear tour this year and not only witty and entertaining in his delivery, extremely hard hitting, so hang on to your hats if you go. I shall get to the Bury one and hope you can make it.

And is the Psychic development evening at the Abington Barns tonight, starts at 7.30pm   Always a great space to be in.

As always if you have anything you would like to share with the like minded people that receive this email, let us know.

Have a great month and if anyone knows how to slow down time, please give it a go!

Good wishes to all

Sarah and on behalf of Maddy