Monday, 25 March 2013

Great News But......

A BBC article today told of the pleasing news that the death rate in childhood and teenage cancers is significantly dropping. In fact it has halved over the last 3 years and especially in Leukaemia.

This is great, no one could deny that this is what we want to see, more people surviving it.  Not quite as good for the rare types of cancer such as sarcoma's though, as Simon Davis from the Teenage Cancer Trust points out, no change on this.

There is something that i would rather see and that is less people developing it. Why are more young people and children developing cancers?

The article had one sentence that went on to state that despite the survival figures, the incidence of all types of childhood and teenage cancers is increasing....

That was it - nothing more on that point.

The emphasis was on the fact that it is hard to get this age group on to clinical trials due to age restrictions etc and so the point of the piece was one of clinical trials....all very good, but what are they trialling. What methods? just other drugs?

The bigger story i feel is not the clinical trials, but that one sentence on the continual increase in incidences.

This has to be far greater. What is it about our teenagers that they are developing cancers at an in increasing rate.

Where do we start? Is it the fact that nearly every teenager spends a good deal of time with a mobile phone or similar device very close to their person.

Is it stress that they are under. Is it lifestyle? Poor quality food etc.

Given that some cancers are in the body a few years before they manifest, what is happening to our children 5 or 6 years before it shows...Is it vaccinations giving poor immunity?

This is what we really want to know.

Yes it's fantastic that we have this increase in survival rates, but lets look at what we need to change to limit occurrence in the first place.

The age old 'prevention better than cure' and often a good deal cheaper for the NHS although not such a healthy profit for the cancer industry.

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Yes To Life. Robin Daly at the Totnes Conference

Robin Daly founder of Yes to Life - Speaking at the Totnes Cancer Conference 2012

The Aims and Principles of the National Cancer Care Charity

A small but unique charity, supporting both the conventional and the alternative treatments for people with cancer - a truly integrative approach.

Patricia Peat RGN. Cancer Options. The Case for Integrative Oncology

Patricia Peat RGN of Cancer Options, speaking at the Totnes Cancer Conference

This is the same talk Patricia did for the Birmingham Cancer Convention earlier in the year

The case for integrative oncology approach

Prof Handgrettinger - Birmingham Cancer Convention - 2012 Natural Killer Cells

Prof Rupert Handgrettinger speaking at the Birmingham Cancer Convention

Prof Rupert Handgrettinger

The important role of the natural killer cells

Interview with Prof Handgrettinger

Dr Robert Verkerk - ANH- Totnes Conference 2012

The Alliance for Natural Health  - Dr Robert Verkerk

A turning point in the freedom of choice in natural health care Dr Robert Verkerk

The Global Alliance for Natural Health Campaign – Dr Robert Verkerk

Dr Patrick Kingsley - Totnes Cancer Conference 2012

Dr Patrick Kingsley

Natural cultivation of our nervous, hormonal and immune systems

Asking the question WHY? And building our health integrity

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Breast Cancer and Breast Health Event Feedback

Last Wednesday Cichealth put on the Breast Cancer Breast Health event.

It was a good turn out and the feedback has been lovely. The best of which i read today from someone who attended. In it she said how much she had enjoyed it - which was kind of her, but the best bit was that she has told so many people about it.

Music to our ears at cichealth, as that is just what he hope for. Those that come help in the disseminating of information and we all become part of a big health web that spreads good solid information, straight from source and helps empower all those that hear it, if they want to hear it.

The evening began with a Meditherm representative in the UK . Meditherm use thermography to look at temperature changes in the body that can indicate inflammation.
The meditherm camera was demonstrated and one soon realises that not only is this a far safer way of looking at breast tissue as it does not use radiation or squash delicate breast tissue between metal plates etc. It is a picture taken of the whole chest/breast area, so in fact, a far more thorough look at a bigger area.  Breast problems could be developing in the axillary area or just under the breast, that would not be seen by a mammogram.

Although Meditherm are keen to stress that this is not a replacement for mammography, which is obviously the politically correct thing for them to say - i suspect that all us women would disagree and having seen just how thorough it is in detecting changes early on and that it was far less barbaric than a mammography, it is surprising the NHS haven't adopted this, but then again if they have ploughed money into one system, they have to believe that to be the best or it is costly to recognise something could be better.
With the Meditherm approach, the results are given to you in about an hour - that is something the NHS couldn't do.

Yes mammography is 'free' but if it is not the best system, should we put up with it just because it is free. Ultrasound would be better and not exposing breast tissue to harmful radiation.

Our second speaker, David Stevens, has recently written a book on how to maintain and gain healthy breast tissue and what to do if you discover it isn't healthy.
The techniques are very straight forward, deep breathing, alkaline diet, hot and cold hydrotherapy.

You might think that it seems too simplistic - but we didn't develop a breast problem through lack of chemo, so addressing the PH balance to becoming more alkaline, oxygenating the blood and getting the oxygen rich blood to the cancer site with the use of hydrotherapy are simple but clearly effective techniques. See website for video testimonials.

It requires active participation in changing the body, but then they are our bodies and we need to be active in fixing them and keeping them well.

Our third speaker was from Igennus, a nutrient company that specialises in supplements to help reduce inflammatory conditions in the body, of which cancer is one and can develop from.

So all in all, we were given a good 'tour' from preventative to diagnostic and active participatory health gaining techniques to help us all retain or gain back, healthy breast tissue.

We would like to thank our speakers very much.

Mr Bill Bradford - Meditherm

David Stevens. Author of the Every Women's Guide to Vital Breast Health

Dr Nina Bailey - Igennus

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Complementary Health Issues - Interviews

A series of Interviews on various aspects of complementary health


Chirokinetic Therapy (CKT) ;



What is Complementary Therapy?

What Therapy is right for me?

How Do I Start a Career in Complementary Therapy?

Are you on your right path? Stuck in a rut ? Glass half empty?

Sometimes we can linger in the past events of our lives and make them the reason for our choices in the now and future, but we have to step out of the pattern at some point and find our way as adults.

We have to recognise why we do this too. Is it our personality that looks for something to blame and then finds it’s an easy way out every time. The trouble is, those around us get tired of the excuse.

Is it an excuse or is it truly effecting our way of being, regardless of our personality.
Why do some look at their past experiences and then despite them, move on to create better for themselves, vowing to never repeat it and others go round again and again and again and wonder why life keeps giving them the same result.

Life sends in different people and experiences, opportunities for change, yet the same result occurs and it reaffirms the belief. Why? - because the reaction each time is the same.

We tried it once, it didn't work – let’s do it the same way again – we know then what the result will be and I have a strategy for that route because I have done it so many times.

Well how about the opposite, do it different, you’ll need a different strategy as the result will be different – in fact you might not need a strategy at all as the result will be one of success and we can all cope with that or can we?

Life will always go bad, love will turn to hate, I can never be what I want to be, it is too late to make a change…all self-fulfilling prophecies.

Well life is a mixture of events, but mostly they are good. We live a privileged existence here and the things that our minds race ahead and fear, hardly ever happen in reality.

So if we know that we are very often likely to attract what we think of, why put your thoughts to problems….put them to success and give yourself a better chance of a happier outcome.

Those that do the positive thinking, at least haven’t drained their energy with negativity and if something’s go wrong, so what? It happens and we try again. We look at what it was and learn from it, we don’t throw in the towel at the first hurdle and run, we try it again but having learnt what not to do this time.

Love will turn to hate? Well yes if that is where you put your thoughts and can’t be bothered to put the time and nurturing into it, that is what happens.

Love is a garden and when 2 people come together and recognise each other’s goodness, nature tosses them a packet of seeds.

Now these two new gardeners can be lazy and just cast the seeds about and do nothing – the seeds so lovingly given by nature will die – so yes, love has the potential of dying.

But what if the gardeners are not lazy and they prep the ground for the seeds and then cast them carefully so that they have a better chance of growing – that’s a better start!  Then they water them and feed them and nurture them. Eventually the garden will produce a beautiful array of flowers and will be a delightful sanctuary for the 2 gardeners to reside in. It took some effort, but the rewards are more than worth it, when you see a well-cared for garden. It didn't happen by accident!

Now all gardens need a little work and as time goes on, the rewards get better and better. The more mature the garden, the more comfortable and abundant it becomes.

Like anything in life – it needs a little effort! If one plant wilts or dies, you don’t abandon the whole project, you look to see if where you need to make a change and the two gardeners look to see why and change the conditions and the plants flourish again.

Each gardener knows that they need each other too, if one is sick the other needs to tend to the tree and nurture it and keep it well and it needs to be reciprocated when the other falls sick.
A garden is a big job!
The less effort you put in, the less you reap – ask anyone that grows flowers of veg!

So what about never being able to be what you want to be…its too late….oh my! So you know your end date do you? Is too late the day just before you leave this earth or is too late 3 years before you leave this earth….when is too late to start being what you want to be?

The process of becoming what you want to be is as important as the end result if not more so – that is the exciting bit – nothing worth doing is worth doing badly. The longer we do nothing to make a change, then again we fulfil that self-fulfilling prophecy.

If we don’t like what we have, do something different – don’t do nothing – do something. Who knows what it may lead to. Work can take us in many directions. For some it is the main focus of life for others it is a means to an end. For most of us, it is a balance between the two – which at least makes more things possible.

The same applies though, the more you put into it, the better it gets and the greater the rewards and the more the self-esteem grows and we attract better things. Like is always attracted to like!
Bad stuff happens in life, of course it does. It happens for us all. We can be its victim or we can be its demise and not let the bad stuff win.

If we have a fit and able body – we win!  We have the capability to work and earn our money
If we have the power of intelligence – we win! We can use that to our good and for the good of others.  We all have it, we have to be prepared to utilise it and nurture it in a way that suits us best to live the life we want – but we all have it.

We all by definition have the power to become the person we should be – if we are just prepared to put the effort in