Well just when you think the world really couldn't become more ridiculous if it tried – It seems to have reached new heights of madness
On Wednesday it was reported that New South Wales voted to give up a right of choice on a medical procedure…Every time I look at that news story I have to pinch myself to make sure I'm not in some weird parallel universe! Yes the good folk of New South Wales clearly think, or ‘don’t think’, they are able to decide if their child should or should not have a vaccine, so they have voted for it to be mandatory and that will then allow their children into playgroups. So all those other parents who didn't want this have had their rights removed. This is not about an election, this is about a right on health choice….If someone can explain how you get a whole group of people to surrender a right over the health of their children without putting them all into a concentration camp, I’d love to know just how that worked.
It’s not that the right was removed by government, they voted it away all on their own…wow, that really was some propaganda machine at work there.
I hope the same doesn't get rolled out here!
As if that is not bizarre enough, I picked up a tweet from the the Vaccine Risk group, which stated that 2 new flu vaccines are due. Can’t wait can you? Well you might want to join the queue right at the very end, just as they run out. As one called Flublok, apparently Is the first flu vaccine to contain GM proteins from insects! Caterpillars in fact, if that makes a difference. So the cells from caterpillars will be genetically altered and added to the flu virus to make the vaccine work quicker. (speedy caterpillars, or they will be, after they have been GM’d.)
Flucelvax is even better, because that is using dog kidney cells. So if you get that shot and develop an urge to chase your tail or lick the parts you can’t normally get your tongue to, then just make sure you are on your own!
From a science point of view I can understand how this must be seen as a breakthrough, but that good old gut feeling just says it's wrong!
From a science point of view I can understand how this must be seen as a breakthrough, but that good old gut feeling just says it's wrong!
A friend and I took part in the March against Monsanto on Saturday, in London. About 1000 people was the estimated figure for London. This was a peaceful although most definitely not in voice demo. A global demo against that altruistic, delightful corporation, Monsanto. Where would we be without them, 300,000 Indian farmers better off perhaps? A good many more wouldn't be facing law suits without them…see I told you…altruistic and delightful!
Well if you saw any of the coverage, you were lucky, as virtually no mainstream media (BBC) covered it. Despite it being a global event of over 2 million people in 54 Countries, 440 cities and not even the BBC covered it….But the English Defence League march got plenty of coverage, so racists and bigots get good airtime, but speak out against Monsanto and virtually a news blackout…It begs the question why? and what else drops of the radar?
Still we did our bit and joined a lovely group of people, who just don’t accept the party line and want to have the right to know what is in their food - doesn't seem unreasonable does it?
The March Against Monsanto face book page has some great photos. (MAM)
This brings me to my third piece of madness of my week A comment was left on the MAM website about a GM wheat trial at Rothamsted, in a paragraph he wrote about this trial having wheat with an animal gene in it, from a cow I believe ( pity you vegetarians out there), he forgot to mention it was a synthetic cow gene, now I know this person and I know that he knew it was a synthetic gene, but the error lead to a few people querying if it was synthetic or real….the error was rectified and as this person pointed out, real or synthetic, hardly the point….so what a bizarre world we live in when we debate the type of cow gene that has been added to wheat…The irony is superb, the madness knows no limits it seems.
Just because we can - doesn't mean we have to!
Just because we can - doesn't mean we have to!