Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Where Were The BBC or any Mainstream Media for the March Against Monsanto?

When a global event takes place you would expect it to get some mainstream media coverage, especially when they were given advanced notice and, I believe, press packs. So how come that on May 25th when an estimated 400 cities in 44 countries found themselves with a March Against Monsanto happening, the mainstream media did not report it?

Over 2 million citizens across the globe represented a far greater number that want Monsanto's nose out of the food!  No to Monsanto, No to GMO was the message that rang out.

But the media were conspicuous by there absence and under reporting. The English Defence League however made the headlines and the BBC website.  So we are quite happy to give news time to racists and bigots but not to those that want to speak out about the antics of Monsanto and the disasters they inflict on the world stage. We are quite happy to let this giant company ride rough shod over farmers, adulterate and patent the very seeds nature gave us all. Carry out its genetic modification of plants that enter our food chain, where the effects on our health, at the worst, could be in the forming. Creating unstable genes and leading to what???  All for the purpose of profit and control over health and the ruining of proper sustainable farming.

The BBC like to think of themselves as a flagship service and with reporters all over the world, but it seems they all had that Saturday off!

To quote from someone's posting on the March Against Monsanto facebook page, If a global event isn't given coverage - what else do they decide not to report on?

Monsanto is a shrewd operator after all and any organisation that can get away with having their own protection act written into government policy in the US, would know which strings to pull to get the reporting of the global event against them, 'lost' of the agenda.

Surely this in itself is news worthy. Why would a corporation even require such an act that leaves them free from any claim of compensation if their GM food should cause harm when they constantly lead us all to believe it is safe.

Now insurance companies will take money from anyone, but they have to be shown all the data.  The money men want the bottom line, so can Monsanto not just ensure against such claims? What is the matter with their 'bottom line'?

It reminds me of the vaccinations that insurance companies won't touch and have to be underwritten by governments....again the money men have to be shown the data and if the money men won't take the money having seen all the facts....don't you worry just what those facts must be?

So when they tell you it is 'Your BBC'  we ought to expect them to tell us what is happening and to be the investigative journalists that we deserve.

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