Sunday 20 February 2011

Infertility - Where to start.

Infertility – where to start.

For some women having a baby is so very easy, they seem to only have to think about it and next they know – one on the way.

That sadly isn’t true for some women though and the angst every month of are you or aren’t can completely take over your life and occupy your every thought.

Then there are the well-meaning friends and relatives who have every known suggestion in the book: Onions over the bed, eat more of one thing, avoid another, certain positions are better than others, oh the list is endless.

Then how long do you have to wait before a medical route is sought and then it all becomes a clinical exercise and the focus is on the end result entirely. 

The pressure and anguish, as you have test after test and then the discovery of who may or may not be the one that is unable to make the whole process happen.

Does the next step have to be medication or IVF and all that it can bring.

For some, trying and trusting other methods may not be for them, and that is fine but what else can you try that takes the clinical aspect out of the equation or helps the body relax and cope with that, if that is the preferred route.

Chirokinetic  Therapy or CKT as it is known as, is a way of finding out from the body where the imbalance are, what may be causing the problem and then setting out to help the body correct them where possible.

It’s not just the woman that needs treating though, it could well be a ‘guy’ matter. 

We think only of the reproductive system possibly not functioning correctly in parts, but it may be the body has other imbalances and it has decided that a pregnancy may not be what it needs while other parts are not working as efficiently as they should, and the bodies energies are being utilised in the best way it feels is needed – that may not be a pregnancy at that point.

Even after many medical tests, it is often the case that no concrete conclusions are arrived at that explain why pregnancy doesn’t happen.

Then what do you do?

CKT can be used effectively and efficiently to determine where other underlying issues are and seek to correct them.

It could be immunity levels, hormonal imbalances too subtle to show on a regular test, stress in the system within digestive organs, emotional aspects or even structural problems. The list is endless really. So the body needs a chance to tell its story and CKT can help it do that and thus help restore the body to a good state of wellness and give it the best chance possible.

CKT can help also to determine what supportive measures are needed to help the body in its quest to be in good strength to allow pregnancy to occur.

Is the body deficient in certain vitamins or minerals, again it may be too subtle for regular tests,  it is what the individual body requires and not a blanket approach to the problem. That is why these subtleties can make all the difference. It can help determine the best time for sex in relation to ovulation. Again, not every woman fits a standard picture.

CKT has been successful in helping many pregnancies come about and is a great way forward in complementary medicine.

CKT can go on to treat conditions that arise in pregnancy and can treat the unborn as well.

Reflexology has its place also. A fully qualified reflexologist will treat the reflex points that represent the body organs etc on the feet, and in so doing, balance the body systems. This will work towards the body being the best it can be. 

It may not be as specific as CKT, but an experienced reflexologist will know where points lack ‘energy’ and need stimulating. And again reflexology has helped many women in their quest for a baby.

During the pregnancy, reflexology can help ease stress and tension, help with back ache and sickness and can also be used during the early stages of labour.

Stress can be one of the symptoms that prevent a body becoming pregnant. Note I say, stress is a symptom, it is not a cause. When trying for a baby, the two quickly become entwined or you could see it as a continuous loop.

Can’t fall pregnant – stress starts to build – this in turn can then prevent the very thing you want. So any therapy that can break that loop and reduce the stress, will help also.

Aromatherapy is a delightful therapy. The use of essential oils from plants, used in a controlled and prescriptive manner to address the issues that the body needs. 

A fully qualified aromatherapist should be sought, as they will know the oils and strengths of blends that are right for the individual and the problems that present. Oils that may be used to help the body with infertility, are not the same as the oils used for assisting the birthing process and hence why a qualified aromatherapist should be sought.

There are many oils such as Geranium, Rose or Fennel that can help balance oestrogen levels in the body, if hormonal imblance of that nature is the cause. It could be oils specifically that aid relaxation and ease stress and tension in the body that are needed.

Oils such as one of the many lavenders to help lower blood pressure, if that is a factor 
There are so many essential oils and selecting the right combination in the right strengths is the skill of the aromatherapist.

I have used all three of these therapies in the past to help infertility, but i have to say my prefered option is CKT. for all the reasons i have written about.

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